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Bachmann for President

"Join Michele in Minneapolis on October 27!" +
  1:37 web video from Oct. 18, 2011.

Bachmann: Hi, my friends.  This is Michele Bachmann.  I'm coming to you from my campaign bus; I'm in Iowa right now.  We just finished a wonderful event and we're on our way to another one.  I just wanted to take a minute of your time to give you some updated information on our presidential campaign. 

With your help we won the Iowa Straw Poll in less time than any other candidate and as the first woman to ever win the Iowa Straw Poll.  And together I know we can win the all-important, very first voice of this election, the Iowa caucus on January 3rd.  But to make the budget needed to win this Iowa caucus I'm asking you to please play a very special and important leadership role in this effort.  On Thursday, October 27th I'll be hosting a very important campaign event in Minneapolis, and I want to personally invite you and your friends to join me.

Remember, you're the key to our success, and there are so many ways that you can help.  Please visit MicheleBachmann.com to sign up and volunteer, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and get our email updates or make a donation.  Every little bit counts and anything that you can do will help this campaign to win in Iowa and be successful throughout the country.  Time is short.  Let me hear from you as soon as you can.  I hope to see you on Thursday, October 27th.  Thank you and I'll see you then.

Notes: Effectiveness undercut by the fact that Bachmann is out of focus and by the choppy transitions.