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Bachmann for President

"American Jobs, Right Now" +
  7:08 web video from Nov. 3, 2011.

Bachmann: Hi, I'm Michele Bachmann.  With over 14 million Americans out of work, it's obvious the President's government directed temporary gimmick aren't working to fix our economy and create jobs.  What we need is permanent free-market solutions that spur economic growth, which will allow America's businesses both small and large to start hiring again.  My American Jobs, Right Now solutions will help turn our economy around, it will produce growth and create millions of jobs.  These are solutions the President should institute right now because millions of Americans out of work just can't wait for the next election.  So I want to offer my proposals to the President of the United States.  Mr. President, take my jobs plan; it's one that will work.

First, we need to bring the more than $1.2 trillion of United States money that's already been earned by United States companies overseas back to the United States by lowering the tax rate on repatriation.  That would be an immediate stimulus to the United States economy that wouldn't come out of the wallets of American citizens; it would be an incentive for United States companies to bring those jobs back to the United States.

Second, we need to massively cut government spending, that goes without saying.  Government overspending hurts job creation by devaluing our dollar, and it robs precious capital from the private sector.  The more the government spends, the less you and job creators have to spend.  It's that simple.  I'll get rid of unnecessary government programs.  I will bring our budget into balance.  You have my word.  That will send a signal to the domestic and foreign markets that the United States is a good investment, and it will get our triple-A credit rating back, which was lost under President Obama. 

Third, we have to repeal ObamaCare—a non-negotiable.  According to a UBS study, ObamaCare is the number one barrier to job creation today in the United States.  I can tell you I hear that all over the United States when I'm out speaking with people.  ObamaCare is creating uncertainty for employers, and it's looming as a huge spending and tax increase on the economy.  So you see we can't settle for anything less than the full scale repeal of this terrible, cancerous legislation, because not only does it threaten the quality of our health care, it threatens the core of the free market system here in the United States.

Fourth, we have to reform our tax code, and cut taxes on job creators.  That's something I know something about as a tax lawyer and as a job creator myself.  Because Ronald Reagan had it right when he said the tax code was too complicated.  It needs to be simplified.  We need to use Ronald Reagan's vision and principles for reforming the over 3.8 million word tax code.  That's why I would abolish it.  We have to start immediately by bringing down the corporate tax rate to one of the lowest in the world; fixing the Alternative Minimum Tax by eliminating it; eliminating the death tax; and reducing the number of tax brackets.  Because you see no country can tax or spend its way out of prosperity and President Obama has proved that with his failed policies.  Only economic growth and getting control of spending will get our fiscal house in order.

And fifth, we need to repeal the "Jobs and Housing Destruction Act" better known as Dodd-Frank.  Dodd-Frank is making it so much harder for businesses to get credit for job creation, and more difficult and expensive for Americans to get credit and mortgages to realize the American Dream of homeownership.  It's causing banks to raise banking fees, and it's creating very expensive regulations that are costing jobs and dragging down the economy.

Sixth, we need to legalize American energy production and America's natural resources.  We have the resources to create 1.4 million new jobs, to bring $800 billion of new revenue into the United States Treasury and also to increase domestic energy supplies by 50-percent.  All we have to do: unleash America's natural energy resources.  We can reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy from unfriendly foreign regimes or worse, ruthless dictators.  The price of energy has a direct impact on every facet of our lives, including job creation.  And I'll put in place a comprehensive energy strategy that taps our domestic resources and puts Americans back to work.

Seventh, we need to repeal very expensive job-killing regulations.  American businesses are spending $1.8 trillion annually in costly government regulations.  That's money that could be used for new jobs.  I'll pass the "Mother of all repeal bills" to get rid of these unnecessary regulations, particularly those from the EPA.

And eighth, we need to further open foreign markets to U.S. products and increase exports.  We need more free trade agreements to opent the door to U.S. manufacturersxxthe best in the worldxx to compete on a level playing field globally.  And we have to make sure that countries like China, who's been a bad actor in many respects, to act responsibly in the global market.

Ninth, we have to unleash American investment, eliminate unnecessary taxes and regulations, and expand trade.  That will all create an incentive for investment in America again.  Investment in America will further create growth and the capital that's necessary for job creation.

And tenth, we need to pave a pathway for innovation because the United States has slipped now to fifth place in global competitiveness and 47th in education.  Can you imagine?  One sector, health and medicine, is watching our leadership in drug and medical device development rapidly diminish.  We have to get government out of the way, so innovation that the U.S. can operate again and be tops in global competitiveness.  It's always been American ingenuity and innovation that has led the way to job creation and growth.

And that's why, finally, we have to enforce American immigration laws, because the failure of the federal government to enforce its immigration laws is costing federal, state and local governments literally $113 billion every year.  $82 billion of that is borne by state and local governments.  That means $1,000 for every American household that's your money, that you could spend rather than government.  And it's costing us jobs.  Our nation was founded on the rule of law, and we have to ensure that U.S. immigration laws are enforced to protect our citizens and our economy.

You see these solutions will get our economy growing again, and it will bring new jobs for Americans, but I need your help to make them happen, and I hope you'll join my team, perhaps make a donation and elect me the next President of the United States so together we can have American Jobs, Right Now. 

Notes: A fairly solid policy focused video.  Bachmann outlines points of her "American Jobs, Right Now" plan; text screens reinforce the first ten points (no text screen on the eleventh point, immigration).  Bachmann seems to lose her place a bit around point 10.  Also, the video is a bit over-exposed.