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Friends of Herman Cain (Exploratory Committee)

"I've Never Seen Anything Like This" +
  1:37 web video from May 11, 2011.

[Music] Announcer: Live from the Peace Center in Greenville, South Carolina, this is the Republican Presidential Debate.

Unidentified Woman: Every candidate who wins South Carolina always wins the Republican vote.

Luntz, clip from focus group: How many of you think Herman Cain won the debate?  [majority raise hands]

Well we can stop right there.

Focus Group Woman 1: Godfather, business sense and he can attack Obama well.

Cain clip from debate: We have all of the resources we need right here in this country.

Luntz: ...35, 40 of these debates for FOX and I've never had this kind of reaction until tonight.

Focus Group Man 1: He answers the question most directly.

Focus Group Woman 2: I didn't know a thing about him.  I was very impressed tonight.

Cain clip from debate: I believe in empowering the states to do what the federal government cannot micromanage.

Focus Group Man 2: A breath of fresh air.

Focus Group Man 3: He's honest; he does not talk like a politician.

Focus Group Woman 3: Common sense.

Focus Group Woman 4: He has a plan, he's articulate and he knows exactly what we need.

Cain clip from debate: We need to get government out of the way.

Focus Group Man 4: Romney completely lost my vote.  I campaign for him last time he was in town; I'm now for Cain.

Focus Group Man 5: He'll give us a clear cut plan on which way to take America.

Focus Group Woman 5: He understood about defining a problem and then coming up with a solution.

Cain clip from debate: Arizona did not go too far.  They were simply trying to protect themselves.

Focus Group Man 6: Exactly correct on taxation and on free markets and leadership.

Luntz: You want Obama out? 
Focus Group: Yes.
Luntz: How many of you are walking out of here with Herman Cain as your number one choice?  [majority raise hands]
Luntz: Now this is unprecedented.  Something very special happened this evening.

[Music] (Logo fills screen).

Woman: Clear and concise.
Man: Very impressive.
Woman: He won us over; I think he can win America over.

Notes: A mix of clips from FOX News' focus group following the May 5 debate in Greenville woven together with clips of Cain from the debate and headlines from several websites describing Cain's success in the debate.