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Friends of Herman Cain, Inc.

  "Pledge Your Support for A Real Leader" +
  2:08 web video from June 13, 2011.

[Music] Cain: More bad economic news.  With nearly 15 million people unemployed, gasoline hovering around $4 per gallon, and a government-run health care plan that was shoved down the throats of the American people, there is a need for real leadership in Washington, DC.

I believe it's time for a real leader in the White House.  Someone who will actually listen to the American people, tackle the major issues, and put national interests above political ones.

Folks, that's one reason I'm running for President of the United States of America.  It's time for some common sense solutions in Washington, DC, and it's time for a problem-solver in the White House.

So today I'm asking you to get involved with my campaign.  Today I'm asking you to get involved and make a donation for our June 27th "A Real Leader" money bomb because campaigns don't run on air.

On June 27th, we'll send you an e-mail reminding you to make your donation right here at ARealLeader.com.  After you donate on June 27th, we will have a special video that highlights the failed leadership of the Obama administration.

So please take a moment and pledge your support today.

I'm Herman Cain.

Notes: The setting of this ad is elegant but a bit distracting.