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Friends of Herman Cain

"iPhone Minute in South Florida with Herman Cain" +
  0:49 web video from Nov. 17, 2011.

[Music] Cain: You are here because that means that you are patriots and you care about the future of this country.

Man to camera: We, we will chose him to lead America...

Man: Raise Cain, raise Cain.

Man: [en Español...no comprende]

Cain: I happen to believe we were all put on this planet to make a difference.  That's why I'm running.

Voice from crowd: God bless you. 

Chants: Herman Cain, Herman Cain.

Notes: This video looks like something from the cutting room floor.  It is handheld, jumps all over the place, and the first man talking to the camera is not in focus.  Of note, it was done with an iPhone, and it does include a brief bit of Spanish, which there has not been much of thus far..