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Aiming Higher PAC (Gov. Mitch Daniels)

"A New Majority"
  30-second ad run statewide in Indiana starting Sept. 16, 2010.

[Music] Daniels (to camera): While others states are broke, Indiana is in the black.

Most of them have raised taxes in this recession, but here we've brought them down, and that's one reason why Indiana is leading America in job growth this year.

It's been harder than it should've been.  We've been fought every step of the way by a Democratic House majority that voted to spend billions we didn't have. 

If they'd had their way, the state would have been broke last December and your taxes would be higher today to pay for it.

This Fall support a new pro-taxpayer House majority and help us keep Indiana a step ahead.

This ad allowed Gov. Daniels to tout Indiana's economic success as he sought to secure a Republican majority in the Indiana House. The PAC also produced more than a dozen ads in which did not show Daniels, but had the individual state representative candidates talking to the camera.