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Democratic National Committee

"Extreme Aims" +
  1:10 web video from Aug. 8, 2011.

[Music] Male Announcer: Attention seniors and middle class families.

Like Washington Republicans and the Tea-Party, Republican Presidential candidates are planning to duck their responsibilities to the middle-class...

...dodge their obligations to seniors...

...and dismantle critical education and job creation programs.

Like Washington Republicans and the Tea-Party, Republican Presidential candidates are offering no new ideas.

Gingrich: "I want to replace, not reform, EPA."

Bachmann: "Tax cutting."

Huntsman: "Corporate tax cuts."

Pawlenty: "We should repeal Obamacare!"

Male Announcer: Republican presidential candidates are providing no new leadership - they're just following the Tea Party and Republicans in Congress.

Huntsman: "The Ryan budget plan."

News Anchor: "Call it the Mittness Protection Program."

Romney: "Cut federal spending, cap federal spending and have a balanced budget amendment."

FOX Anchor: "That was Newt Gingrich last night here on Fox with Greta, just hours after he called Congressman Paul Ryan to apologize and say he was sorry."

Male Announcer: And just like Washington Republicans and the Tea-Party, Republican presidential candidates want to end Medicare as we know it...

...slash funding for education and job creation...

...protect the wealthy, corporate CEOs and big oil

The Republican Field: Wrong for seniors. Wrong for the middle class.  To the extreme.

Notes: This video was part of a campaign the DNC launched in the lead up to the August 13 Republican Straw Poll in Ames.