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Haley's PAC

"Welcome to Haley's PAC" +
  0:56 web video from Sept. 2010.

[Sound/Music] Barbour (to camera): Since the beginning of 2009 it's been obvious that the administration and Congress are leading our country in the wrong direction.  Outrageous spending, new entitlements, taxes that are about to go up in a huge way, unbelievable deficits that are unheard of in American history.

We know we've got to have a change.  Haley's PAC exists to support Republican conservative candidates.  It's dedicated to their victories in this year's election.

When we remember November, it's because we know we can't wait 'til 2012 to start taking our country back.  We've got to start with these elections, and Haley's PAC's got to be in the lead to help the conservatives and Republicans all over the country.  Not just governors, but other races too.  I hope you'll help me.  I hope you'll help Haley's PAC.com.  We need your support, and I promise you, we'll put it to good use.

Notes: In addition to the welcome video, the PAC produced several issue videos posted on YouTube on Sept. 30, 2010: "Jobs," "Energy," "Fiscal Responsibility" and "Health Care." The videos range from a bit over two minutes to a bit over five minutes long. They feature medium and MCU shots of Barbour, who is wearing a sport jacket and button up shirt but no tie, talking to the camera. Intercut are stock footage clips illustrating the theme. In late Nov. 2010 the PAC posted additional videos "Tort Reform" and "Return to Conservative Principles."