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Jon Huntsman for President

"Take It From Me" +
  0:35 web video from Aug. 23, 2011.

[Music] Huntsman: Right now we’ve got people on the fringes; President Obama is too far to the left.
[ABC's This Week, 8/21/2011]

TEXT: On Barack Obama…

Huntsman: Zero leadership on display in terms of the President, who should’ve used the bully pulpit well ahead of time. 
[ABC's This Week, 8/21/2011]

TEXT: On Barack Obama…

Huntsman: He should’ve walked away from the teleprompter.
[ABC's This Week, 8/21/2011]

Huntsman: He had two and a half years to do the most important thing demanded by the American people:  Fix the economy, create an environment that is conducive to job growth, and he has failed us. He is a good man, he is earnest, but he has failed us on the most important issue of our day.
[CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, 8/22/2011]

TEXT: Take It From Me...The President Failed.

Notes: Response to DNC video "Don't Take it From Us." 

Music is Prelude in C major from the Well Tempered Klavier, Book I, by J.S.Bach.  The Huntsman team should perhaps be assessed some penalty points for inappropriate use of this music.