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Jon Huntsman for President

"Time to Compete" +
  1:01 web video from Aug. 31, 2011.

[Music] Huntsman: President Obama has had two and a half years to get it right on the most important issue we face - expanding the economy and creating jobs.  He’s fundamentally failed us. 
In Utah we wanted to make our marketplace a little more inspiring.  So we came up with a ten-point plan for economic revitalization.  Started with tax reform, flattening the rate, simplifying things, we took much of the sales tax off food.  We did regulatory reform, we kind of looked at the marketplace to see how we could improve and streamline the way in which business decisions were made.
And it didn’t take long for us to become the most competitive state in America.
The state named the hottest economy, the state that was named best state for business.
And you’re reminded through it all that your responsibility is to create an environment that speaks to job creation.

Notes: The release of this video coincided with Huntsman's unveiling of "Time to Compete: An American Jobs Plan." >