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Jon Huntsman for President

"Nailed It" +
  1:32 web video from Dec. 2, 2011.

    TEXT:  What exactly did Mitt Romney learn while runnning the Olympics?

Reporter: You were pro-TARP in the Fall.  Do you wish that you didn't support it now that we're in the winter? 

Romney: No TARP was the right thing to do.

Romney: I'm not interested in bailing out individual institutions that have wealthy people that want to make sure their shares are worth something...

Romney: I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years that we should sustain and support it.

Romney: I'm in favor of having the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade...

Romney: We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts.  I support them.  I won't chip away at them.

Romney: I've always been if you will a rodent and rabbit hunter, small varmits if you will.

Romney: I've been a hunter pretty much all my life...

Romney: I'm not willing to sit back and say too bad for Michigan, too bad for the car industry, too bad for the people who have lost their jobs; they're gone forever.

Romney: ...and let Detroit go bankrupt points out that those companies needed to go through bankruptcy to shed those costs.

NBC News Tim Russert: The head of the Bay State Council of the Blind said that your name was Fee-Fee.  That you just raised fee after fee after fee.  That's a tax.

Romney: No, I don't believe in raising taxes.

Romney: Look.  I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush.  I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.

Romney: The right course is the one championed by Ronald Reagan 30 years ago and by John McCain and Sarah Palin today.

[Cheers, applause]


Notes: More anti-Romney, and not very effective anti-Romney at that.  The split screen shows gymnasts on one side and Romney on the other.