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Jon Huntsman for President

"Restoring Trust" +
  2:00 web video from Dec. 8, 2011.

    TEXT:  "Americans are suffering from a deficit of trust." -Jon Huntsman

[Music] Reporter:  Breaking news here.  Stocks all around the world are tanking because of the crisis on Wall Street...

    TEXT: 14 million unemployed  $15 trillion in debt

Reporter: In a few hours, America will cross a milestone marker.  It is nothing to cheer about.

Reporter: What the heck is going on down here?

    TEXT: We put our trust in Wall Street  They asked for a bailout

Reporter: It is in fact a sign of impending disaster...

    TEXT: We put our trust in Washington  America received a credit downgrade

Reporter: I don't know.  There is fear.  This is capitulation, really.

    TEXT: We put our trust in a trillion dollar stimulus  The jobs they promised never arrived

Reporter: Because for the first time in 70 years, the United States of America is no longer the top financial dog on Earth.

    TEXT: Hope & Change did not deliver

Wolf Blitzer: ...Hope and change.  You know what I see in Washington still to this day?
Obama: More of the same.
Blitzer: The same old same old.
Obama: Yeah.
Blitzer: A lot of bickering, backstabbing.
Obama: Maybe a little worse.

Huntsman (voiceover): One of the things that concerns me greatly in our country today is the fact that we are running on empty as it relates to trust.  When the level of trust gets to the point where it is today, that puts our nation in a very, very precarious position.

I worked for Ronald Reagan, and I remember when he spoke to the American people.  There was always a level of trust between the president and the people that you could take to the bank.  That trust has dissipated.

    TEXT: America needs a consistent conservative

People know where my core is.  I do what I say I'm going to do.  I always lead out based upon my beliefs.  I ran on a ten point plan as governor, for economic revitalization, and in my first term I got every one of those 10 points done.  I don't think there can be a better expression of the feelings of trust by the people toward the person they elect than getting close to 80-percent when you're re-elected.  That's not politics; that's leadership.

    TEXT: A leader to restore trust


Notes: This video previews Huntsman's announcement of a seven-point "Restoring Trust" plan.  The video is very general; a video or videos on his seven-point plan might have been more effective.