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OUR America Initiative (Gary Johnson)

"The Athlete's Guide to Good Government" +
  1:51 web video from March 29, 2010.

[Sound/Music] Johnson (voiceover): Our economy is tangled up right now.  People are worried about their jobs and their futures.  So how do we start to fix the problems? 

Given that we have a long race in front of us, we need to get back to basics.  We need to do the hard work that makes us stronger, and we need to have clear goals and plans to keep us on track. 

It all gets back to common sense government.  We need a government that sets the rules and creates a level playing field for all competitors.  We need government that lives within its means. 

Right now Washington is borrowing 43 cents out of every dollar it's spending.  We have to stop the spending.  And start thinking about providing the best service at the lowest price. 

When I was governor of New Mexico, I saw how running the government is a lot like preparing for a triathalon.  When we make good decisions, they build on themselves.  Every lap in the pool, every spin on the bike and every run prepares us for competition. 

Then there comes a time in every race when we have to dig deep and to push through.  And the results are worth it. 

Do you want to keep America the strongest country in the world?  Do you want to do the hard work it's going to take to restore fiscal discipline?  It all starts with you and me.  This is about America, our America.