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Fred Karger for President

"Fed Up" +
0:30 ad run starting Jan. 3, 2012 on WMUR-TV and NH cable.  

Male Announcer: Fed up with the Republican Party?

Well there's one candidate you just might like.

[Bowling pins strike SFX]

Fred Karger is the only moderate Republican running for president.

He's pro-choice, supports gay marriage, and wants us out of Afghanistan now.

Send the Republican Party a message.  Vote for Fred Karger for President.

Karger: I'm Fred Karger and I approve this message.

Notes:  From the Karger campaign press release -

“I want to let New Hampshire voters know that if they are not happy with the other seven Republicans running for President that there is one sensible, moderate candidate in the race," said Karger.  “When I first started coming to New Hampshire from California almost two years ago I started referring to myself as an Independent Republican, because that is who I am.  I grew up in a very different Republican Party, and I want to help bring that Republican Party back.  We need to appeal to the growing number of independent voters and work to bring younger voters into the GOP.  If not, the elephant will go the way of the dinosaur.”

The ad, called “Fed Up?” will air over 100 times beginning on WMUR (ABC) TV today and for the next seven days on WMUR and cable TV throughout New Hampshire.  It was produced and directed by Jhonmar Castillo, Interactive Creative Director of Moka Productions.