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Fred Karger for President

"Fed Up Michigan?" +
0:30 ad run starting Feb. 16, 2012 in Central MI including Fox 47, WLNS (CBS) Ch 6 and cable.  

[SFX/Music] Male Announcer: Fed up with the Republicans running for President?

Santorum: distorted audio

Gingrich: distorted audio

Romney: woman screams

Well there's one candidate you just might like. 

Fred Karger is the only moderate Republican in the Michigan primary.

He has the best jobs plan, is pro-choice, supports gay marriage, and wants us out of Afghanistan now.

Send the Republican Party a message.  Vote for Fred Karger for President.

Karger: I'm Fred Karger and I approve this message.

Notes:  From the Karger campaign press release -

“California businessman and former Reagan advisor Fred Karger kicked off a 12 day commercial buy in advance of Michigan’s February 28, 2012 GOP Primary.  The spot called “Fed Up Michigan?” will be running all over Central Michigan including Lansing stations; Fox 47, WLNS (CBS) Ch 6 and cable channels CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Lifetime, Bravo, and HGTV."