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Fred Karger for President

"Let Fred In" +
  1:27 web video from Oct. 10, 2011.  Produced by Kristina Lapinski.

TEXT: Ronald Reagan, February 23rd, 1980

Reagan: I am paying for this microphone, Mr...

[Music] Karger: I'm Fred Karger.  When my old boss Ronald Reagan ran for president 30 years ago he wanted all Republicans included in the presidential debates.  Now FOX News and Rupert Murdoch refuse to let me debate.  When I met their qualifications, they changed the rules.  It's just not fair.  An important voice is not being heard.

[Debate intro music] FOX questioner: This question stirred up a whole lot of controversy online.  It comes from Stephen Hill, who is a soldier serving in Iraq.

Stephen Hill video: My question is under one of your presidencies do you intend to circumvent the progress that's been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military.

Several audience members: Boo.

Santorum: Yeah, I...

Karger: Excuse me.  No, no.  Excuse me.

I will not be silent.  An American service member was just booed.  We should never, ever treat a member of the military that way, especially someone as courageous as Stephen Hill.  [cheers, applause]

After 18 years we finally ended government-sanctioned discrimination and repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell.  [scattered applause] 

There's no room in this country for bigotry.  As a gay man, those thugs out there hurled their hate at me and millions of Americans.  When I'm President, I will work to bring this country together.  [applause and cheers]

Notes: This may be the closest Fred Karger gets to being in a debate, but not for want of trying.  In this well produced video, it does appear as if Karger is right there on the stage with the other candidates.  There's a nice touch at the end when Michele Bachmann is shown applauding as if in approval of Karger's remarks.

From the campaign's October 10 press release:

Karger Premieres New Commercial Tonight in New Hampshire

PLYMOUTH, NH – California Businessman and former Reagan political aid Fred Karger will premiere “Let Fred In,” his new web commercial at the Grafton County Republican Committee Columbus Day Dinner this evening.  Karger will speak at the dinner along with former Governors Jon Huntsman and Buddy Roemer and Ann Romney.  The reception, dinner and straw poll begins at 5:30 pm at The Common Man Inn, Plymouth, NH.

The 90 second commercial called “Let Fred In” will go live today and can be viewed on the campaign’s web site, facebook page, on twitter and Youtube.  It features a vintage clip of Karger’s old boss Ronald Reagan and utilizes some state-of-the-art special effects.

In the commercial Karger places himself in the Fox News—Google Debate and responds to the booing of Stephen Hill, the openly gay soldier stationed in Iraq.

Karger was not invited to the last two Fox News Debates even though he met the requirements.  Because of this unfair treatment, Karger filed a 158 complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch.  The FEC is looking into the matter - Case #MUR 6493.
“I was watching the last debate in Washington, DC and when they booed Stephen Hill I was so angry that I was not there to speak out against such un-American behavior,” said Karger.  “I hope that this commercial will send a clear message to future debate organizers that they should “Let Fred In” so that I can address these social issues and talk about how I will turn this country around like Ronald Reagan did 30 years ago.”

The commercial was produced and directed by California filmmaker Kristina Lapinski.