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Karger for President

"Anita Who?" +
  0:52 web video from Nov. 1, 2011.

Old Florida orange juice ad (Anita Bryant singing): ...come to the Florida sunshine tree...

Karger: I'm Fred Karger.  Thirty-three years ago I was involved with the boycott of Florida orange juice because spokeswoman Anita Bryant led the fight [music up] to take away rights in this country.

Now Florida politicians are trying to take away the rights of voters by moving up their presidential primary. 

This only helps Mitt Romney, and hurts the voters who need more time to get to know the other 10 candidates.

We asked that the Florida primary be moved back to March, but the politicians refused, so effective today we've launched a 30-day boycott of Florida orange juice. 

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Notes: Nice idea, but way too late.