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Obama for America

"Elena-Educación" +
0:30 ad run starting April 24, 2012 in FL.  

[Music] Elena Vidal McCullough: Yo trabajaba e iba a la universidad de noche…cuando nos entrabamos en el carro yo tocaba las clases… y mi hijo siempre decía, “Oh no, no de nuevo!”

Nosotros, la comunidad hispana, nos gusta superarnos.

Las becas de universidad son sumamente importantes porque las familias hispanas son gente trabajadora.

El Presidente Obama siempre está mirando una manera de hacer a nuestro país mejor.

Soy Elena McCullough, voluntaria del Presidente Obama.

Obama: Soy Barack Obama y apruebo este mensaje.


I worked and went to college at night…when we would get in the car I would play recordings of my classes...and my son would always say, “Oh no, not again!”

Us, the Hispanic community, we like to better ourselves.

Financial aid is very important because Hispanic families are working people.

President Obama is always looking for ways to make our country better.

I’m Elena McCullough, a volunteer with President Obama.

Notes:  Produced with the initial Hispanic media launch ads but released a bit later.