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Obama for America

"Latino Community Members Share Why They Support President Obama After His American Jobs Act Speech"+  2:52 web video from Oct. 10, 2011.

[Music] [Cheers, Applause] Obama: Hello Denver!

Woman 1 (speaking Spanish with English subtitles): This is very important for the Latino community.  The President of this nation came to talk to us, which is something marvelous and it gives us the motivation to continue moving forward.

Man 1 (speaking Spanish with English subtitles):
We have the power to impact and change our government.

Obama: What's great about this country is that any of these young people here, if they go out and they're willing to work hard, they can start a business, they can create value, great products, great services, they can make millions, make billions, that's great.  That's what America's all about.  Anybody can make it if they try.

Man 1: I feel he is on our side because he himself is part of that American Dream.  He's seen the suffering, he knows the suffering, and he's had to work really hard and I think he's really sensitive to the needs of the American people.

Woman 1 (speaking Spanish with English subtitles): For us, as Latinos, it is very important to support the President on this.  He will help us a lot in moving forward and finding jobs.  As Latinos, we know what it takes to work hard in order to accomplish what we want.

Obama: There's so much that we could accomplish together if Washington can finally start acting on behalf of the people.  And that's why I sent Congress the American Jobs Act.

Woman 2 (speaking Spanish with English subtitles): If this is going to benefit the people, let it pass.

Obama: I need you to call, email, tweet, fax, visit—tell them the time for action is now.  Tell them you want to create jobs now.  Tell them to pass the bill.

Woman 1: This act would help the Latino community a lot.  And just to know that there's opposition to it, it's sad to know that they might not have that help.

Woman 2: We need to get the voice of the Latinos, and the young, and the olders, we need to get our voice known to our nation.

Man 1: I think our president is looking to a greater America, a more inclusive America, and the other side is looking for an America that does not include.

Woman 1 (speaking Spanish with English subtitles):The President and other leaders of our nation are helping us, and they need our help in order to continue helping us.  And it is very important for us to continue moving forward and help our community.

Obama: We write our own destiny.  It is in our power to do so once more, so let's meet this moment, let's get to work and let's show the world once again why the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth.  Thank you.  [cheers, applause]

Notes: This video is based on Obama's Sept. 27, 2011 speech at Lincoln High School in Denver.  Clips of three members of the audience speaking in English and Spanish are interspersed with clips of Obama.  (Each of the supporters is shown speaking both English and Spanish).