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Obama for America

"Fighting for Veterans' Jobs: Keep the Pressure on Congress to Pass the President's Jobs Plan" +
  2:51 web video from Nov. 21, 2011.

[Music] Woman:  When he hears the "Star Spangled Banner" no matter where we are his eyes well up with tears because he has that much hope and faith and love for this country.

TEXT: Mike McCarry   Vietnam War Veteran

McCarry:  My name is Mike McCarry, I'm from K... Square, Pennsylvania, and I'm a Vietnam veteran.

[Nat. Sound from Parade]

Today is Veteran's Day, and I'm going to see the Veteran's Day Parade in Media with my wife Kathy [phon.] and my two boys Mike and Nate.

I love patriotism, from little kids to the oldest veterans.

The President announced that all the troops from Iraq will be home by the end of the year, and I feel joy when I see them come home... 

And I think back to the time when I was in the service.

When I came back it wasn't easy for me.  I kind of felt like I was out there by myself a little bit.  There were quite a few Vietnam veterans that really had a hard time transitioning.

When I think about the young soldiers coming home, I hope that they can have a good life after their service.

    (at the parade): The Marines, always do a good job.

The Senate passed the veterans' portion of the President's job bill right before Veteran's Day...  so that veterans can get training, so that there's incentive for employers to hire veterans.  The President has these type of provisions in his job bill and there's a lot more too, to help everybody.  We need to keep more teachers working, we need to keep police working and first responders working, cut payroll taxes—that would really help me and my wife out.

Any time I can get another $50 in my paycheck, that all adds up.  That's a couple thousand dollars at the end of the year.  All those provisions in the job bill are very important.

If Congress doesn't pass the rest of this jobs bill, what it says is the Republicans are putting politics ahead of people.  We need all of our politicians working for the greater good of all the people in this country.

President Obama has my support.  He is for people like me.  He has the best interests of the country and the people.  That's the work he's doing.  It's something we have to fight for.  You always have to fight for the good things in life.
