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Sarah PAC

"Iowa Passion" +
  2:18 web video from Aug. 19, 2011.


Male Announcer: The secret is out it seems within seconds.

Female News Announcer: Sarah Palin was also at the Fair today...

Wolf Blitzer (audio): And on this day she happens to be in Iowa...

Female News Announcer: ...another leg of her One Nation bus tour...

Queen: Welcome you to the Iowa State Fair...  Palin: Congratulations.  Queen: Oh, thank you.

News Clip of Cheryl Cline, Palin Supporter: She's a normal person, just like every one of us.

Cline: Hi, my names Cheryl...   And I like that because I'm a farm wife.  It shows that she can do what we can do.

Man: Very nice, very kind to us, including our kids.

Woman: She seems pretty down to earth.

Man: She's pretty solid.  She's awesome.

Woman: Oh, we love Sarah...

Off camera voice: Is there any must have food for you here?

Palin: Yes, there's the fried butter on a stick, fried cheesecake on a stick.  Heck yeah.

Man (reporter?): I was following Sarah Palin around the State Fair.  It was one of those telling moments that you can capture only if you're here on the ground...

Mary Katherine Ham, FOX news contributor: Because she has so much energy around her...

Male voice (news announcer?): Grabbing the attention of Iowans, and yes, the media.

Man: There were hordes of media around her, but she wanted to answer my question.

Wolf Blitzer: How nice of Sarah Palin to stay there and answer all your questions.

Man: She said I would tell all the people to do what you do.  No talking points.  Talk from your heart; that's what people want to hear.

Sean Hannity: Ladies and gentlemen, Gov. Sarah Palin.  [applause]

Palin: I think the good folks here in Iowa, you could ask anybody here, and I think they would tell you it's time to move the country and put back on the right track.  That the economy is [applause/inaud.], jobs are created in the private sector, and they're ready for some positive change.  But doggoneit, there is no faith given to the American people, to our small businesses.  Understanding that you all know better how to spend your own money than politicians in Washington, DC know how to spend... [applause]  I think we're seeing a great awakening of the American public.  The individual Americans who want the exceptionalism put back into our country.

Sean Hannity: Your passion is rising...

Palin: It's not just me.  It's so many Americans who we are speaking with today.

That passion is real.  It's sincere.  These folks love this country.  They want to make sure that we are handing the next generation the blessings of liberty, and that is why it's so important for people to get engaged.

Let's do what we know.  America needs to empower the people of America.

[Grizzly Roar SFX]

Notes:This video attracted considerable notice, with many observers pointing to its campaign-like attributes. For example: "Palin's Latest Video Looks Campaign-like" (Hotline On Call), "Sarah Palin releases campaign-style Iowa video" (Los Angeles Times), "New Palin Video: Is it a Campaign Commercial?" (ABC News Radio), "New Palin video strikes up speculations of presidential run" (Washington Times)...