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Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

"Staying on the Right Path" +
  1:08 web video from Dec. 19, 2011.

[Music] Female Announcer: Dr. Ron Paul.  More than four thousand babies delivered.  A man of faith, committed to protecting life.

Laura Mays, former patient: Some people need to have a good word said about them.  Ron is the sort of person that his life is his good word.

Marcie Holt, former patient: You know you just knew that Ron cared about you.  Life begins at conception in my opinion and as a result I loved to go to a doctor who felt the same way.

Kara Gore: He not only protects unborn life, but he also walks through journeys with women and he has for years.

Holt: I love the fact that he hasn't changed in all these years.  Ron's still the same guy, still saying the same things, and now all these years later still standing his grounds.

Mays: Ron did not let Washington change him.

Diane Wilson, former patient: It's not hard for someone who is a Christian and who truly believes to stay on the right path, and I think that's what kind of person Ron Paul is.

Gore: America has to have someone like Ron Paul today.  There is no question.

Notes: The video highlights Ron Paul's pro-life credentials.  Good production values.  There was minor discussion on the Daily Paul website about "Who is Kara Gore and why is she the only non-patient?"