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Pawlenty for President

  "Results Not Rhetoric" +
  :60 radio ad run in IA  starting June 24, 2011 (the buy according to one report runs to July 4).


[Music] Female Announcer: Minnesota.

Not exactly a conservative place.

Then came Tim Pawlenty, widely recognized as the most conservative governor in Minnesota history.

Here's Tim Pawlenty:

Pawlenty: When I ran for governor I said, look, we have to tell the truth, and the truth is, the liberal approach has failed our state.

Female Announcer: For decades, Minnesota spending had grown at twenty percent.  Tim Pawlenty shrank that down to one percent, and cut spending in real terms for the first time in history.

But that's not all.

Pawlenty did heath care reform the right way.  No mandates. No takeovers.

And on nominating judges?

Pro-life Pawlenty turned a liberal supreme court into a conservative one.

: If I can do it in Minnesota, we can do it in Washington.

I'm Tim Pawlenty and I approved this message.

Female Announcer: Tim Pawlenty: Results, Not Rhetoric.

Paid for by Pawlenty for President.

Notes: This Iowa Democratic Party responded with a fact check.