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Pawlenty for President

  :60 radio ad run in IA  ...heard on WHO on July 9, 2011.


[Music] Tim Pawlenty: For three years now we've heard a lot of fancy speeches.  And it's not working.  President Obama has no economic plan.  I do.

Female Announcer: That's Tim Pawlenty, Republican candidate for President.  Leading conservatives across America are calling the Pawlenty plan to grow our economy and balance the budget exactly right—visionary, with a block-buster tax cutting growth plan.

Tim Pawlenty: Barack Obama's vision of big government and redistributing income is dead wrong.  Economic growth comes from economic freedom.

To get there we need to lower taxes, roll back regulations like Obamacare and EPA overreach and stop the spending freight train in Washington.  I did that in Minnesota. I've got a detailed plan to do it for America.

We can take back our country.  Together we will change America and this time it'll be for the better.

I'm Tim Pawlenty and I approve this message.

Female Announcer: Tim Pawlenty.  Results, Not Rhetoric.

Paid for Pawlenty for President.

Notes: This is a transcript of a poor quality recording; one or two words may not be correct, but it's very close.