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Pawlenty for President Exploratory Committee

The American Promise - New Hampshire/Boston Tea Party Rally +
1:05 web video posted April 19, 2011.

[Music] Pawlenty: Together we can restore America's promise, but it's not going to be done by centralized government systems.  [Fade in crowd cheers, applause] We can do it one school at a time, one little league at a time, one PTA at a time, one church gathering at a time, one Tea Party rally at a time, and one American at a time.  [crowd roar, chants USA, USA, USA...]  Thanks for being modern day Paul Reveres, patriots who are sounding the alarm and sending the message across this state and the entire United States of America that we're here to take back our country.  [fade out crowd applause, cheers; fade up music]

Notes: Another frenetic video consisting of dozens of short clips edited together with an over-the-top soundtrack.  This video was based on Pawlenty's appearances at Tea Party rallies in New Hampshire and Boston.