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Pawlenty for President

"Behind-the-scenes at Governor Pawlenty's Official Announcement" +
3:17 web video from May 31, 2011.

[Music] ["Today" Show]
Matt Lauer: Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is throwing his had into the ring for the 2012 GOP nomination.  He's in Des Moines, Iowa where he will make a formal announcement today.  Governor Pawlenty, good morning.
Tim Pawlenty: Good morning to you, Matt.
Lauer: Nice to have you part of the party and let me ask the simplest question, why?  Why do you want to be president?
Pawlenty: Well I want to be president because America is in big trouble...  These are serious times and they need serious people with serious solutions, so if you're looking for the loudest or a comedian in the race, look for somebody else, but I'll bring the solutions forward that'll actually fix the country.

Woman(1): Today Governor Pawlenty is announcing his presidential campaign live from Iowa.

Man(2): Governor Pawlenty's presence here in Iowa will create a great momentum for his campaign.

Mary Pawlenty: In the Fall of 1983 I met Tim Pawlenty, and I knew at that time that I had met someone extraordinary.  My husband is a man of great character, courage, good judgment, wisdom, discernment, and he has the experience to be the next president of the United States.  [applause, cheers]

Tim Pawlenty: After serving eight years as Minnesota's governor, I was very much looking forward to life with Mary and our two daughters in the Midwestern home that we love.  But with Mary's encouragement and wise counsel, we came to a different conclusion.  And that's what brings me here today with this announcement.  I'm Tim Pawlenty and I'm running for President of the United States.[applause, cheers] [music volume up]
We live in the greatest country the world has ever known.  The United States of America deserves much, much better.  It's time for new leadership.  It's time for a new approach.  And it's time for America's president and anyone who wants to be president to look you in the eye and tell you the truth.  And someone has to say it.  Someone has to finally stand up and level with the American people.  Someone has to lead.  I will.

Woman: I look into his eyes and I see an honest man.

Man: He is the people's man in that he's trying to be fair with everybody from all walks of life.

Woman: I like the fact that he's considered a conservative.

Rush Limbaugh audio: We welcome for the first time Republican presidential candidate former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.
Pawlenty: Great to be with you Rush.
Limbaugh: I know you're qualified.  Do you have the guts too?

Pawlenty: The truth is we're all in this together.  So we need to work together to get out of this mess.  I'll unite our party, and I'll unite our nation, because to solve a $14 trillion problem, we're going to need 300 million people.  [applause, cheers]

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

[applause, cheers]

Notes: This video is based on the announcement but it doesn't actually give much behind the scenes.  It continues the Pawlenty videostyle of numerous short clips strung together.  Pawlenty is also shown in slow motion several times.  The woman(1) and man(2) talking in the early part of the video are Pawlenty staffers Annie Kelly and Travis Holler.