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Pawlenty for President

"Experience Matters" +
  1:00 web video from Aug. 9, 2011.

[Sound] Obama: I've got to say, I'm very amused when I start hearing comments about well the President needs to show more leadership on this...  Let me tell you something—I've been here.

Geithner: Most people do not sit around the kitchen table and analyze unemployment numbers.

Obama: I will be held accountable.  If I don't have this done in three years then there's going to be a one term proposition. [SFX]

Obama: Leaders at a certain point rise to the occasion; leaders are going to lead.

[Music up]

Reporter (audio): Just 18,000 jobs last month, well below expectations.

Obama: We're moving in the right directon...


    ...people won't vote based on the unemployment rate...

Obama: There are always going to be bumps...

Obama: Shovel-ready was not as shovel ready as we expected.

    ...a big miss...

Obama: ...the stock market has come roaring back...

    ...Barack Obama's been so invisible...

Reporter (audio): Is there a risk that the United States could lose its triple-A credit rating, yes or no?

Geithner: No risk...

Reporter (audio): The United States has just lost its triple-A credit rating...

Obama: Are you fired up?

Pawlenty (voiceover): I'm Tim Pawlenty and I approve this message.

Notes: There is some possibility that this ran in Iowa, but I have not been able to verify that-ed..  The DNC issued a rapid response.