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RickPerry.org Inc.

"Rick Perry Announces" +
  2:42 web video from Aug. 13, 2011.

[Music] Male Announcer: America is at a crossroads with stagnant job growth and unemployment above 9-percent for months on end.

[Applause] Perry: We cannot afford four more years of this rudderless leadership.  Last week, that leadership failed, and the tax and spend and borrow agenda of this president led to the first ever downgrade of credit rating of the United States of America.  In reality, though, this is just the most recent downgrade.  The fact is for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs, he's been downgrading our standing in the world, he's been downgrading our financial stability, he's been downgrading our confidence, and downgrading the hope for a better future for our children.

Male Announcer: But there is a place where hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created in the past ten years, where fiscally disciplined leadership has held spending in check and balanced the budget, where sensible laws keep frivolous law suits at bay, and taxes remain low, where traditional values are celebrated.  That place is Texas, and that leader is Rick Perry. [applause]

Perry: It is time to get America working again and that's why with the support of my family and unwavering belief in the goodness of America I declare to you today as a candidate for President of the United States. [applause]

It's time to limit and simplify the taxes in this country. [applause]

We have to quit spending money we don't have.  We need to get our fiscal house in order and restore our good credit.  And we will repeal this president's misguided, one size fits all government health care plan immediately. [applause]

And I promise you this.  I'll work every day to try to make Washington, DC as inconsequential in your life as I can. [applause]

Male Announcer: The path to recovery requires experienced executive leadership that will rein in government spending while unleashing the power of American ingenuity and innovation. 

That leader is Rick Perry, and the restoration of the American Dream begins now.

Notes: Built around clips of Perry's announcement speech at the Red State Gathering in Charleston, SC, this video also has interspersed many images that appear in Perry's intro video "Rick Perry: Time to Get America Working Again."