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"Romney's Remedy" +
  1:00 web video from Oct. 10, 2011.

America's most damaging prescription: ObamaCare  RomneyCare

Romney audio clip: Well I'm a conservative businessman.

    TEXT: A true "conservative"?

[SFX -lightening (mirror)] News Announcer: Time and again the White House has pointed to the Massachusetts law as the model for its Obamacare.

Obama: I agree with Mitt Romney.  He's right.

? News Announcer: Jimmy Carter throwing his weight behind Mitt Romney...

Romney: Those who follow the path that we pursue will find its the best path.

Romney: ...I like mandates...

Romney: In my book I said no such thing...  I stand by what I wrote.

Female Announcer: Noting that the line about doing the same thing for everyone in the country has been deleted...

(Clip from NBC News Meet the Press) Tim Russert: Why if it's good for Massachusetts and its working in Massachusetts wouldn't you apply it to the rest of the country? 

    TEXT: I stand by my positions.  Mitt Romney

[Music quiet]

Romney: ...I would.

[Music resumes]

    TEXT: Even the richest man...

Romney: ...I'm not running for a different office...

    TEXT: ...Can't buy back his past

Romney: We'll end up with a nation that's taking a mandate approach.

Romney: There are a lot of different reasons not to elect me.

Obama (audio): He's right.

Note: A very frenetic production showing the Lucas Baiano touch.  From the press release:

“Mitt Romney clearly supports government-mandated health care since he fought for his Massachusetts mandate, which provided President Obama with the blueprint for Obamacare,” said Perry spokesman Mark Miner. “Romneycare has cost $8 billion and killed 18,000 Massachusetts jobs, yet Mitt Romney wrote in his book that his plan was a model for the nation. When it comes to government-mandated health care, there is no difference between Mitt Romney and President Obama.”


Beacon Hill Institute studies on Romneycare:

Cost $8 billion: “The High Price of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” June 2011, http://www.beaconhill.org/BHIStudies/HCR-2011/BHIMassHealthCareReform2011-0627.pdf

Killed 18,000 jobs: “The Economic Effects of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” September 2011, http://www.beaconhill.org/BHIStudies/HCR-2011/BHIMassHealthCareEcon2011-0915.pdf