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"Rick Perry - Cut, Balance and Grow" +
  1:14 web video from Oct. 26, 2011.

[Music] Perry: Today I lay before the American people my Cut, Balance & Grow plan.

Female Announcer: Mr. Forbes joins us now to explain...

Steve Forbes: ...what Rick Perry's going to unveil on Tuesday's going to be very exciting.  So a firm leadership, which is what Rick Perry will provide, which is why I'm endorsing him for President I think will—this will be a winning issue.  People want it.

Voice of Steve Hayes-The Weekly Standard: I like the plan a lot.  I think it has a lot of very appealing pro-growth aspects to it...

Voice of Rush Limbaugh: So here comes Perry with a reform plan, serious reform plan, and the Wall Street Journal loves Perry's tax plan.  They absolutely love it.  [SFX]

Perry: Cuts taxes and it also cuts the spending, balances the budget by 2020, and grows jobs and grows the economy.

Man: I think it's fair.

Woman: I like what he was talking to about taking care of the country because it is up to us to take care of our country.

Perry: It is time to pass a tax that is flat and fair and that frees our employers and our people to invest and grow and prosper.  [applause]

Perry: Let's be the land of the free again.  God bless you; thank you all for coming out and being with us today.  [applause]

Notes: The video is based on Perry's speech at ISO Poly Films in Gray Court, SC on Oct. 25.  There are definite signs of the Lucas Baiano touch including the swelling music and the many fast cuts.  According to the Oct. 28 press release:
"This week Gov. Rick Perry unveiled his Cut, Balance and Grow economic plan to help get America working again. The video, 'Rick Perry: Cut, Balance and Grow,' details the plan, which provides taxpayers with the choice of a simple, 20 percent flat tax rate, cuts federal spending, ends earmarks and includes a federal Balanced Budget Amendment."