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RickPerry.org, Inc.

"Rick Perry on Congressional Insider Trading" +
  0:25 web video from Nov. 14, 2011.

Perry: Congress certainly can't be trusted to watch our money, and now it's clear they can't be trusted with theirs.  Any congressman or Senator that uses their insider knowledge to profit in the stock market ought to be sent to jail, period.  And Congress ought to pass a law that says so right now, no ifs, ands or bets.  I'm Rick Perry and I approve this message.

Notes: This video is a response to a "60 Minutes" piece on congressional insider trading that aired yesterday.

American Bridge 21st Century provided a response to the video; their release "Rick Perry's 'Insider Hypocrisy'" charged Perry "has a long history of using his position to make a quick buck."  Communications director Chris Harris stated,

"Last week, corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff offered his thoughts on how to clean up Washington. Today, crony capitalist Rick Perry chimed in. If Perry thinks members of Congress belong in jail, what would he think about an elected official who purchased 2,800 shares of stock after speaking with that company’s CEO on the same day a giant investment group purchased 2.2 million of its shares?"