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RickPerry.org, Inc.

"Momentum" +
  1:44 web video from Dec. 13, 2011.

[Music] Perry (clip from debate): The people of this country really want to get America back on track.

Text: "Rick Perry was a 'Winner Tonight'" The Washington Post Chris Cilizza - 12.10.11

Commentator: You know we see the governor, and we saw it last night during the debate, I mean he is really coming out very aggressively.

Commentator: You know I think he's having something of a resurgence in Iowa.

Text: "'Perry Wins' 'Rick Perry Walks Away with Biggest Gains'" RedState Tim Griffin - 12.11.12

Commentator: You're beginning to see a boost in the polls.

Perry: You get rid of the regulatory burden that's killing people.  And I have a record of doing that as governor of the state of Texas over the last 11 years, we created over a million jobs in that state while America lost over two million jobs...[SFX]

Text: "Poll: Gingrich Falls Perry Strengthens in Iowa" Washington Examiner - 12.12.11

...So there's a very clear blueprint of how to make this work.  And it's going to take an outsider who can come in to put in the model of taxes and regulation and be able to balance that budget...

Text: "'Strongest Performance" Tim Albrecht, Director of Communications for Governor Branstad, on ABC News - 12.10.11

...by the year 2020 with 18-percent of GDP.  That's what the American people want, and an outsider like Rick Perry is going to do that.

Text: "'Solid and Convincing" The Washington Post Chris Cilizza - 12.10.11

Commentator: There's an eternity of time.  There is [inaud.] 23 days until the Iowa caucuses.  Things can change dramatically.

Perry (clip from debate): You and Newt were for individual mandates and that is the problem.  And the question has been who can stand on the stage, look Obama in the eye, and say Obamacare is an abomination for this country.  And I'm going to do that.  And I can take that fight to him and win that fight.

Perry (clips from debate): We have a President of the United States who has put the most muddled foreign policy in place that is causing the problems in the Middle East. 

And he did absolutely nothing and the Russians and the Chinese will have our highly technical equipment now.  This president is the problem.

Perry: This election is about the future of this country.  It's one of the most important elections, if not the most important election, and we've got to get it right.


Notes: This video is largely built around clips of Perry speaking during the Dec. 10 debate in Des Moines, with various scenes of Perry campaigning interspersed as well as some stock imagery of horses running, sparks flying and a flag, accompanied by a strong, swelling music track.  Highlighting a strong debate performance may counter the memory of Perry's weak early debate performances.