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"Rick Perry: On the Road from Iowa" +
  0:59 web video from Dec. 23, 2011.

[Music] Perry: This campaign's not about me.  It's never been my purpose in life to be the president of the United States.  It's been my purpose in life to try to pay my country back for what it's given me.

Woman 1: He served in the military.

Woman 2: He did a great job with the Texas economy so he will do the same with the American economy—when he's president.

[crowd cheering] Perry: That future and that brightness on the horizon is very much attached to whether or not we're going to be able to maintain our essential constitution values and the individual freedoms.

First Lt. Daniel P. Moran: We're interacting with the people of Iowa here.  You can see the momentum being gained.

Perry: If you'll have my back here across Iowa on January the 3rd, I'm going to have your back when I'm president of the United States.

         Text "Merry Christmas" below logo.

Notes: Done in clear Lucas Baiano style, with lots of short clips, cuts, a fanfare and swelling music. The video also includes a quick view of Perry with former Gov. Mike Huckabee.