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Free and Strong America PAC

"Believe in America: Behind the scenes at CPAC 2011" +
1:45 web video from Feb. 15, 2011.


Romney (clips from CPAC): The America that you and I believe in has a goodness and a greatness that creates a unique American genius, and that genius has blessed the world, led the world, even saved the world.

I will not and I will never apologize for America.  [applause]

We believe in freedom and opportunity.  We believe in free enterprise and capitalism, we believe in the American Dream.

We love this land, we believe in America.  [applause]

The president, who took office on January 20th of 2009 should have had one central mission: put every American back to work. 

Unemployment is not just a statistic.  Fifteen million people out of work is not just a number.

Woman to camera: He believes in America, and he believes in the resiliency of the American people.

Romney: The president's response to the economic crisis was this.  It could be worse.  It could be worse?  What's next, let them eat cake?  [applause]

Now when Ronald Reagan ran for president remember he hung the misery index around Jimmy Carter's neck.  This is the Obama misery index and it is at a record high, and it is going to take a lot more than new rhetoric to put Americans back to work.  It's going to take a new president.

Man to camera: He was absolutely inspiring, pointing out that we live in a country where there's liberty, there's opportunity, there's freedom—it's the greatest country in the world.

Romney: I believe that America is an exceptional nation of freedom and opportunity and hope.

Believe in America.  Our freedom depends on it.

Thank you.  Great to be with you. [applause]  Thank you.

Notes: Clips from CPAC to musical accompaniment; a couple of testimonials included.