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Romney for President

"Chris Christie Stands with Mitt" +
  1:12 web video from Oct. 11, 2011.

[Music] Christie: And I'm here in New Hampshire today for one simple reason.  America cannot survive another four years of Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney's the man we need to lead America and we need him now.  That's why I'm endorsing Mitt Romney for president of the United States.

The biggest reason why I want to support Gov. Romney is because I believe he's the best person to be able to articulate Republican values and defeat Barack Obama in November of 2012.  I know that America needs a new course and I wanted to be with the person who I believe will be the best person to lead America on that course and that's Gov. Mitt Romney.

this is not someone who just is deciding to run for president off of the back of an envelope.  I've said many times, people run for president of the United States because they think in their minds, I think I can win; I hope I'm ready.  Mitt Romney says, I hope I can win; I know I'm ready.  That's the big difference.  That's what the American people [inaud. last sentence]

Notes: The campaign also produced blog ads touting Christie's endorsement.