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Romney for President

"November 7th, 2012" +
  0:33 web video from Nov. 9, 2011.

[Music] Male Announcer: On November 7th, 2012, Americans will wake up and a decision will have been made.

Will we re-elect a president who will continue with the status quo?

A stagnant economy.

High unemployment.

Out of control spending.

Or will we change the direction of our country?

Will we renew the lease on four years of failed leadership or we will set a new course?

Ask yourself, will you make a difference?

Will you help turn our country around?

And believe in America again?

What Will You Do?

You have less than a year – the future is in your hands.

Notes: This video would work quite well for a general election ad.  The video, which is quite dark for some reason, shows what appears to be a scene from a campaign warroom the day after the election; the camera zooms in on a large screen TV flashing scenes concluding with the words "What Will You Do?".  Compare also to the Obama for America web video "What if...?" from a few days earlier.