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Romney for President

"Mitt on the Road: The Low Country, South Carolina" +
  1:18 web video from Oct. 14, 2011.


Romney: It's an honor to be here in South Carolina where patriotism is a passion that tops even barbeque and football.

Chronic unemployment's the highest level it's been since the Depression.  This presidency has failed to turn our economy around, and by the way it couldn't come at a worse time because we face some real challenges around the world as you know.

Pawlenty: Mitt Romney has put out the most comprehensive, most detailed, most aggressive economic plan of any candidate in the race and it's based on real world experience growing real jobs in the private sector.

Pawlenty: And I'm honored and privileged and excited to support him as our next president of the United States.

Romney: As president, on Day One, I will focus on rebuilding America's economy.  It's a foundation of our strength.  The 21st century can and must be an American century.  It is our duty to steer it onto the path of freedom, peace and prosperity.  Let future generations look back on us and say, they rose to the occasion and they led our nation to safety and to greatness.  Believe in America.  Thank you so much.  God bless this great land.  Thank you.  [applause].

Notes: Unlike many of the Romney videos there did not seem to be press release on this one.  It includes video from Romney's October 6-7 visit (On Oct. 6 he spoke to veterans on board the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point in Mt. Pleasant;  on Oct. 7 he delivered a foreign policy speech at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina in Charleston) as well as his September 12 visit (when he received the endorsement of former Gov. Tim Pawlenty in No. Charleston).