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America's Foundation PAC (Rick Santorum)

"Finish Strong" +
  1:48 web video from Oct. 29, 2010.

[Music] Santorum (voiceover): Somewhere before 2008, conservatives lost their way.

The American people responded, and they weren't happy.

In the last election we lost, and we lost big.

The day after the election, conservatives were devastated.  Democrats predicted a 40-year majority in Congress.  But in their arrogance, they made mistakes.  They refused to listen to the American people.  They launched the biggest spending spree that the world has ever seen, and borrowed from our children's and grandchildren's futures.  They passed bills in the dead of night using obscure procedures to get their way.

Now we face double-digit unemployment, rising health care costs and out of control debt. 

Americans have had enough.  We've protested and rallied and campaigned.

Now, it's time to finish this race.  History teaches us that conservative principles always win.  We know that when we stick to these time tested conservative values, Americans prosper, and freedom grows.

On Tuesday, November 2nd, it's tim for us to finish this race strong.  Go to RickSantorum.com to find out your polling location, and make plans to vote.  This coming Tuesday, I know where I'll be.  I plan on casting my ballot for strong conservative values.  Do you know where you'll be?  Please, help us finish strong.

Notes; Santorum does the narration as a voiceover, and is only shown on screen in a still photo for about 7 seconds towards the end of the video.  Obama is shown several times, there are a couple of Tea Party images, and Reagan makes a very brief appearance in a video clip of a second or less.