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Rick Santorum for President (Iowa)

"Become a Caucus Captain in Iowa for Rick Santorum" +
  2:19 web video from Oct. 24, 2011.

[Music] Santorum: Hi, this is Rick Santorum and I'm running for president of the United States, and I wanted to talk to you here in Iowa because you have a privilege, you have a privilege to be the first in the nation caucus. 

You get the ball rolling here, and we need your help if we're going to be successful.  Don't listen to what the national pundits say or what all the money in New York is going to.  You here in Iowa have the opportunity to meet the candidates personally.  In fact I hope I've met you because I've been to over 70 counties in the state of Iowa and had over 150 town hall meeting, and we're continuing to work hard and will work hard to make sure that Iowans get a chance to do your job, which is to pick the best candidate for President based upon your own personal knowledge and interaction with them. 

Well we need your help.  'Cause after I've done that, after I've made the trips to your county and visited folks, we need people on the ground to follow up, to be our eyes and ears, to help recruit some other folks to help us in your county so we can build for a great day on that caucus day in early January. 

So please, help us out by signing up to be a caucus captain for us.  We'll be in touch with you; you'll get exclusive briefings every week or two I get on the phone and you can have an opportunity to hear from me on how the campaign's coming, and the opportunity for you to be able to ask questions and get some more information so you can do a better job being our ambassador in your county.  Again, please sign up to be a caucus captain.  We look foward to seeing you in my travels in Iowa.


Notes: The music on this video is too loud; it could an effort to disguise or cover over the background sound heard on another Santorum-Iowa video.  The yellowish tint to the flag is also a bit odd.