TEXT OF AD run in The State [Columbia, SC] on Jan. 15, 2012

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The false premises of our political debate:
The crisis the nation confronts is not due to some unforeseen natural disaster but a direct consequence of deviation from Constitutional principles concealed purposely by the politicians and the media utilizing false premises.

Medicare and Medicaid are economically unsustainable
False. Sufficient funds exist to provide every American with excellent healthcare. Unfortunately, the intention of those managing Medicare and Medicaid is not to guarantee healthcare but to remove the healthcare decision-making process from the citizen and place it into the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who then divert billions of dollars away from appropriate healthcare providers and towards those providing unnecessary services or those vastly overcharging for services and products, guaranteeing huge profits to friends, relatives, cronies and contributors to politicians.

Social Security is basically a Ponzi scheme.
It became a Ponzi scheme only because the government has stolen trillions of dollars from the program.

The Federal Reserve exists to stabilize the economy.
False. It exists to fund government agencies, departments and czars that intrude, enslave and corrupt. It funds American political foreign adventurism to massage the egos of narcissistic politicians.

America would be endangered if it reduced its presence on the world stage.
False. Forty years of American intervention in the Middle East has been responsible for the handing over to anti-American, intolerant, despotic regimes, the countries of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia while it has simultaneously managed to destabilize the entire Middle East. American foreign policy is responsible for making Communist China an economic, political and military power.

The free market is heartless and unfair requiring government regulation.
False. The free market functions in response to the needs and wants of the population. Moreover, the transactions between producers and consumers are voluntary to the mutual benefit of all parties involved. On the other hand, the government produces little of value; achieving its transactions not through mutual agreement between parties, but through coercion and threat.

Once, Ron Paul’s free market views on the economy were derided by the “experts” but now he receives the respect of even his former detractors as his predictions concerning the abuses of the Federal Reserve, the collapse of the housing bubble and the government- generated downturn in the economy have come to pass. So now the same nay-saying “experts” characterize him as naïve on foreign policy, a consequence of his non-interventionist approach. Our country was founded and sustained by those fleeing the tyrannies and bureaucracies of Europe and the rest of the world. Yet our increasing involvement in the economies and political intrigues of Europe and other parts of the world threatens our American identity and runs counter to our Founding Fathers’ admonition to avoid foreign entanglements. Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy won the Cold War through example, without firing a shot. How much treasure has been consumed and how many lives have been sacrificed upon this altar of political egotism?

Government is a parasite that consumes the wealth of a nation, weakens and damages it and even, at times, kills those who have the misfortune to live under its rule. For the government parasite to continue its existence requires the suspension of truth and the propagation of the great lie that government is benevolent. Those populating government spend all their time trying to justify their existence but are as clueless in understanding the free market, as ancient man would be attempting to understand the computer. Government is incapable of producing anything anyone would want and therefore government must steal to exist and then justify the theft. There are things, however, for which government is required.    Slavery can only exist under government; genocide and war are the only commodities the government produces. Voters have been fooled into believing the government is the solution when, in fact, it is the problem, much to mankind’s ultimate despair and misery. For society to advance what is required of government is to get out of the way.

Ron Paul adheres to Constitutional principles, rejecting the divine right of kings and replacing it with the natural rights of the individual. Ron Paul realizes, as did our Founding Fathers, the greatness of a nation dwells not in its government but in the people. Power is a zero-sum equation; the more power the government has the less freedom the people have. The less freedom the people have the poorer the nation.

Ron Paul’s views on domestic and foreign policy are based upon Constitutional principles. His opponents dare not attack the Constitution so instead attack the man. In their attempts to denigrate Ron Paul the media harps about electability; the same media which once declared Ronald Reagan unelectable. It’s not the winning or losing of an election that counts, but principle. Could a Barack Obama have been elected after the Reagan presidency? Of course not. It required the presidency of the unprincipled George Bush who betrayed conservative values and functioned as a Big Government Republican that set the stage for a Barrack Obama win. A Mitt Romney presidency will result in a repeat of that disaster. Self-proclaimed conservatives Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin by their assault on Ron Paul are unmasked as self-serving hypocrites, acting as shills on behalf of establishment Big Government Republicans such as George Bush, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

There are 250 million potential voters in the United States. In the last election about 135 million cast ballots. The real winner of the last election was “none of the above”. Those who refuse to vote do not discern any difference between candidates, but now there is a clear distinction between one candidate and all the rest, whether Democrat or Republican.


Paid for by Dr Lawrence Gelman
5500 N. McColl Rd
Unit D PMB 79
McAllen, Texas 78504
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