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Obama for America

"OFA Iowa: Sign Up for a Gotta Vote Early Weekend of Action" +
  0:37 web video from June 20, 2012.

Child: Fired up and ready to go!


Allie Pather: Here in Iowa today we are having a big canvassing day of action.  It's our kickoff canvass for the 2012 general election so we are excited to have a ton of volunteers coming out.

Bill Gluba, Mayor of Davenport: Good morning.  This is where the rubber hits the road.  When you go door to door, the most important thing you can do is give them the opportunity to vote by mail.

Allie Pather: Here in Iowa we have the great opportunity to have early voting so our voters can go to the polls not just on election day but actually the 40 days before election day as well.  And that's a huge opportunity to turn out votes for our president.

Bill Gluba: This is a toss-up state.  What you do today will make the difference of whether we carry Iowa.

Jack, Volunteer: This election is going to be very close.  Every vote is going to be very important and this whole election hinges on the efforts of people like me coming out here, making sure in November President Obama wins Iowa.

Glenda, Volunteer: I'm going door to door this morning with my grandkids trying to set a good example for them that it's very important to get out and vote.

Nat. sound...
: Hi, Zoe.  I'm Glenda. 
Zoe: How you doing?
Glenda: I'm out registering people to vote or try to do vote by mail.

Karene, Volunteer: This election I feel is more important than it was in 2008.  It's so important that we keep moving the country forward, but if we lose we're absolutely looking at going backwards.

Steve, Volunteer: I'm not just here for myself, but also for my wife, my children and my grandkids because they're going to benefit from programs that Obama is in support of.

Kelly, Volunteer: Talking to somebody on the phone is okay, but when you can really see somebody, look in their eyes, you can personalize your interaction a lot more.

Kevin, Volunteer: Every person can make a difference if it's knocking on a door, making a phone call, whatever you feel like you can do to be involved is helpful.

Nat. sound...
Kevin: Early voting, is that something you might be interested in?  It's pretty easy.
Woman: I'm not very good at getting there, so this might help me.

Ramey, Organizer: It's grassroots.  Without the volunteers, without the people, without that energy there's no campaign.

Nat. sound...
Kevin: Thank you man.

Kevin: Six months is not a long time so the more we're able to get out and get ahead of the game, the better off we'll be.

Nat. sound...
Ringing doorbell.  Knocking on door.

Glenda: You never know.  Maybe one day he'll be the president.  Who knows.

Notes: A classic Obama video putting the focus on the volunteers.