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Obama for America

"First Lady Michelle Obama: Sign up for the 2012 Women for Obama National Issues Conference" +
 1:15 web video from April 18, 2012.

[Music] Michelle Obama: Hi, everyone.  If you haven't already signed up for the Women for Obama National Issues Conference this April 27th and 28th right here in Washington, DC, I encourage you to sign up today.

With so much at stake for women and families in this election, we want to make sure that women all across the country are engaged and ready to stand up for the progress that we've made, from helping women get equal pay for equal work to ensuring that we have access to life-saving preventative services like mammograms to stopping insurance companies from charging women more than men for the same coverage Barack has been standing up for us every single day in the White House.

And now, it's time for us to stand up for him.  So I hope that you'll come to this year's conference to learn more about how you can help lead the way.

I know that Barack is looking forward to being at this year's conference, and I'm counting on you to show him that women across America are as fired up for 2012 as he is.

So sign up today, and together I know we'll make history once again.  Thanks.
