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Obama for America

"Kal Penn: Get involved with OFA Iowa and Young Americans for Obama" +
  0:55 web video from April 18, 2012.

Kal Penn: Hey guys, it's Kal Penn.  We are coming to you here from the Greater Together event in Iowa City right outside the University of Iowa.

If you had a chance to join us for this event either in person or watching online, or if you didn't and want to get involved, if you go to ia.barackobama.com there's a whole bunch of information on how you can get involved in your community.

If you're a young person and you want some youth-specific information, you can go to youngamericans.barackobama.com.

If you're on Twitter, you can go to OFA_IA and that's the Obama for America Iowa Twitter site.

So get involved, hope you can join us. 

One last thing.  If you don't want to do all that, and you've got your cell phone right next to you when you're watching this video, you can text the word "students" to 62262 and we'll push you some updates so that if you've got any time and want to help us volunteer you can figure out how.

So thanks so much.

Notes: The video provides a lot of ways to connect with the campaign.