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Obama for America

"Josh Hartnett Reflects on the Minnesota Greater Together Youth Summit" +
  1:11 web video from April 24, 2012.

[Music] Josh Hartnett: I'm Josh Hartnett.  I'm an actor sometimes.

In fact Minnesota, I came from here.

I grew up in Minneapolis—well I grew up in St. Paul actually, went to school in Minneapolis.  The value system of Minnesota is I think one of hard work, integrity, and a general sense that we're all in this together. 

This is an important election year.  It's really important that we keep the president in office and I think that the Youth Summit is the best place to start.  This last election was influenced enormously by the youth vote and I think that this one will be as well.  And it's good to get energized early.

I believe that this president is the right man for the job.  I have—the entire time that he's been in the national spotlight, I just have total faith in what he's going to do these next four years and total faith that he's going to win this election as well.

On April 26th we're holding events at campuses across the state.  We need you there.  Join your campus team.
