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Obama for America

"Newt Gingrich: Frankly, not Mitt Romney's biggest supporter." +
  1:27 web video from May 2, 2012.

TEXT: Newt Gingrich is throwing his support behind Mitt Romney?

Gingrich: As a man who wants to run for president of the United States who can't be honest with the American people, why should we expect him to level about anything if he's president?

TEXT: Is it Romney's business record that Newt supports?

Gingrich: You would certainly have to say that Bain at time engaged in behavior where they looted a company leaving behind 1,700 unemployed people. 

There was a pattern in some companies, a handful of them, of leaving them with enormous debt and then within a year or two or three letting them go broke.  I think that is something he ought to answer.

TEXT: His openness and transparency?

Gingrich: I don't know of any American president who's had a Swiss bank account.  I'd be glad for you to explain that sort of thing.

TEXT: His ability to inspire Americans?

Gingrich: The Romney machine can drive down turnout, it can run over opponents with negative ads; it doesn't seem capable of inspiring positive turnout, and the result is I think very, very worrisome if you're thinking about the Fall campaign.

TEXT: His position on immigration?

Wolf Blitzer: Is he still the most anti-immigrant candidate?  Gingrich: I think of the four of us, yes.

TEXT: Newt Gingrich: Frankly not Mitt Romney's biggest supporter.

Correspondent: Are you calling Mitt Romney a liar?  Gingrich: Yes.

Notes: Video from the day Gingrich formally suspended his campaign.