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Obama for America

"Mitt Romney Versus Reality: Auto Recovery Edition" +
  0:54 web video from May 8, 2012.

[Music] Romney: I'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry's come back.

TEXT: A Lot of Credit for the Auto Recovery?

News person: 2008 you said, and I'm quoting, "We should let Detroit go bankrupt."
Romney: Yeah, that's, that's exactly what I said.  Let Detroit go bankrupt.

Romney: Were there some institutions that should not have been bailed out?  Absolutely.  Should they have used the funds to bail out General Motors and Chrysler?  No.

News person: You said quote, "If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry good-bye."

News person (G.Stephanopoulos): You said back in 2008, "If you write a check, they're going to go out of business."

Romney: If you write a check, they're going to go out of business.

News person voice: ...let Detroit go bankrupt.

News person (A.Cooper): ...let Detroit go bankrupt...

News person (C.Wallace): Wouldn't that have been disastrous for the economy?
Romney: No, it'd have been precisely the right thing to do for the economy.

Romney: Yeah, that's, that's exactly what I said.  Let Detroit go bankrupt.

Notes: "Let Detroit go bankrupt" appears on its way to becoming one of the most used clips of the campaign.