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Obama for America

"Mitt Romney: Backwards on Equality" +
  1:41 web video from May 10, 2012.

[Music] TEXT: President Obama on marriage yesterday
: Same sex couples should be able to get married.

TEXT: Mitt Romney on marriage yesterday

Romney: I indicated my view, which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I don't favor civil unions if they're identical to marriage other than by name.

TEXT: What rights would Romney deny?

Health insurance for your partner and kids    ...Denied

Adopting children together   ...Denied

Emergency medical decisions for partners   ...Denied

Even President Bush supported civil unions

Bush: I don't think we should deny people rights to a civil union.

TEXT: Romney would even let states roll back federal rights for couples' hospital visits

Romney: States are able to make decisions with regards to domestic partnership benefits such as hospital visitation rights; benefits of various kinds could be determined state by state.

Wolf Blitzer: Does he support a constitutional amendment though that would ban same sex marriages?

Romney (clip from debate): Yes, we should have a federal amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.

[National Organization for Marriage logo]

[Romney Signs Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge, Pawlenty Doesn't" - Wall Street Journal 8/4/11]

Rachel Maddow (audio): He signed that group's pledge, promising that as president he will overtly work to amend the United States Constitution to make our national constitution anti-gay marriage.

TEXT: The first constitutional amendment in history to descriminate and deny rights

Romney (clip from debate):Calling it marriage creates a whole host of problems for familes, for the law, for the practice of religion, for education.  Let me say this.  Three thousand years of human history shouldn't be discarded so quickly.

TEXT: President Obama is moving us forward

TEXT: Mitt Romney would take us back.

[Truth Team graphic]

Notes: Background on Obama's announcement.