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Obama for America

"Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund supports President Obama" +
  2:06 web video from May 17, 2012.

[Music] Cecile Richards: As the president of Planned Parenthood, I think about women's health care every day, and the health care of the three million women who turn to us each year. 

It's so important that women take a moment and pay attention to what's happening in this election because the results are going to impact not only their lives, but the lives of their children for generations to come.

In this election there is a strong contrast between the positions of this president, who believes in women, who trusts women to make responsible decisions and frankly the Republican Party leadership who seems to want to take away the right and put government in between women and their doctors.

[demonstration sound "What do we want?  Health care.  When do we want it.  Now."]

I think the thing that disturbed me, and really frankly hundreds of thousands of women who have contacted us since MItt Romney said he was going to get rid of Planned Parenthood, is that he's putting politics ahead of women's health care access.

Most of the women who come to Planned Parenthood come because they need preventive care access. They need access to affordable birth control, life saving cancer screenings, and the kind of care we provide. For women their health care doesn't come with a political label. The fact that we're actually having a fight in this country about whether women should have access to birth control is extraordinary. And so it's been wonderful to have President Obama as a champion for access to health care for all women in this country.

We worked very hard with this administration to ensure that all women, regardless of their employer, could get access to birth control with no expensive co-pay or deductible.  It's basic health care for women.

Women are going to determine who the next president is.  They take these decisions very seriously and they have so much at stake in this election.

And I think that when women look at the positions of Mr. Romney, who literally wants to take women back to the 1950s, and the record of President Obama and all that he has done for women and for American families, there's a clear choice.
