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Obama for America

"Dennis Serafin from New Mexico shares why he supports President Obama" +
  1:13 web video from May 18, 2012.

[Music] Dennis Serafin: My name is Dennis Serafin.  I was born and raised in [inaud.] New Mexico and reside here in Albuquerque now.  I've been here for about 16 years.  Serafin's Chili Hot began in 2009 at the house, sitting around the table thinking about putting a plan together that was kind of a dream.  We started planning this thing 27 years ago.

I see Barack Obama as a president who cares about this country and its people and party seems to come second.  And I like that a lot; I like that he puts the country first, puts education and teachers first, he puts seniors and health care; you know essential things that the American people need.

I think we're fortunate to have somebody who has dedicated the last few years of his life, to include his family, to help this country and help the American people.  I just don't see anybody that could fill his shoes right now; I just don't see that.
