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Obama for America

"Educators for Obama" +
  2:28 web video from June 18, 2012.


Obama: As a nation we have an obligation to make sure that all children have the resources they need to learn—quality schools, good teachers, the latest text books, and the right technology.

Samantha Bennett, K-12 Instructional Coach: An education is essential for every child.

Chris Page, High School Teacher: Education means to me an opportunity for kids.  They have the chance to see their dreams and succeed as best as possible.

Chris Tovani, High School Teacher: We never know who that kid's going to be that's going to come up with the next cure and who that kid's going to be that's going to be the next human rights leader or great teacher or great doctor and so we just have to make sure that every kid gets what he or she needs.

I love being a teacher because it's the best way to give everybody a chance to have a successful happy life.

Samantha Bennett: You see that spark go off like oh, wow, I can do that...

Female (audio): Teachers really matter to this country because they're the ones on the front lines; they see the best, the worst and everything in between, and they're still willing to roll up their sleeves and dig in there and work side by side with their students.

Chris Page: President Obama's stance that we need to make sure that children are college-ready is extremely important.  Making sure that they're not just going through the motions of school but that they're actually ready to compete on a global scale.

Samantha Bennett: For the steps that President Obama is taking to make college more afforable is crucial—I can encourage students that want to go but don't think they can—all the different ways that the policies will help them.

David Victorson, College Professor: He really cares about educating people and making sure that they stay engaged.

Chris Tovani: There's a lot at stake in this next election.  If education budgets are cut, which is what the other side of the aisle is proposing to do, teachers will find themselves with bigger class sizes.

Chris Page: President Obama often reminds people that we can't stop here; we have to keep moving, we have to keep pushing forward, we have to do more.

Samantha Bennett: Teachers have a lot of power in our local community.  When teachers talk people listen.

Chris Page: This is our chance in the summertime to really talk with each other and just talk about how important it is to get President Obama re-elected and to really understand what the issues are with this election. 

David Victorson: It's a great moment for teachers to connect with other teachers to get the word out about this campaign...

Samantha Bennett: And that is talking to people at the grocery store, that is going door to door, that is working phone banks; anything you can do to ensure Barack Obama becomes president for a second term.
